• 供应JenFab LeanClean 360-4清洗机零部件清洗机


     品牌:JenFab  型号:LeanClean 360-4  加工定制:否  
    超声波(25 kHz, 40 kHz, 80 kHz)
    Specifications: 4 Basket  
    Floor Space: 8' -2" W x 9' D 74 sq ft
    Load Height: 42"
    Tank Volume: 300 Gallons Wash & Rinse
      Temperature: 160°
    Pump Volume: 180 GPM @ 40 PSIG
    Dryer Blower: 6000 CFM Recirculating
    Dryer Heat: 40KW designed to dry at low temperatures
    Sound Level: < 79 DBA
    Controls PLC Controlled with OIT / HMI and including Modem
    Basket Size: JENFAB Stainless 12 x 20 x 8"
      Kaydon/Edge 12 x 18 x 6"
    Based on 6 Cycles per Hour: 24 JENFAB Baskets produce 24 cubic feet/hr
    Specifications: 8 Basket  
    Floor Space: 8'-6"Wx9'-6"D 81 sq ft
    Load Height: 42"
    Tank Volume: 300 Gallons Wash & Rinse
      Temperature: 160°
    Pump Volume: Wash 250GPM @50PSIG
      Rinse 180GPM @50PSIG
    Dryer Blower: 7600 CFM Recirculating
    Dryer Heat: 60KW designed to dry at low temperatures
    Sound Level: < 80 DBA
    What Goes Here? PLC Controlled with OIT / HMI and including Modem
    Basket Size: JENFAB Stainless 12 x 20 x 8"
      Kaydon/Edge 12 x 18 x 6
    Based on 6 Cycles per Hour: 24 JENFAB Baskets produce 24 cubic feet/hr
    Stainless Steel Tanks, Chamber, Dryer  
    Optional Stainless Steel Housing available  
    Chip Collection Baskets (Easy Lift Out)  
    Fork Lift Pockets  
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